Embark on an exciting shopping journey with us! Download our app, sign up, and instantly enjoy bonus reward points and exclusive e-Coupons.
Joining is easy with these simple steps:
Step 1: Scan the QR code or search for the MySOGO App on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Step 2: Download the App and register as a member.
It’s as simple to start enjoying exclusive benefits!
Sign-on Rewards
Welcome to our community! As a new member, you will immediately enjoy these welcome benefits as part of your loyalty membership:
- Receive 400 Bonus Points, credited directly into your point account.
- Receive a RM5 e-Coupon for your first RM150 purchase.
- Within your initial 7 days, receive another RM20 e-Coupon after your first RM150 purchase. This RM20 e-Coupon is redeemable for RM300 spent.
Subject to terms and conditions as stated on the e-Coupons.

All shoppers are warmly invited to join our membership program and start enjoying the benefits. Engage in a captivating shopping experience by downloading the MySOGO App and signing up today.
- Apple App Store or Goggle Play Store.
If you're already a member but haven’t updated to our latest App, follow these steps:
- Use the email associated with your current membership or
- Provide your previous member number to connect your account.
Stay connected and enjoy enhanced benefits.